Spruce Aphid

1 – Introduction

Learning Objectives:

  1. To learn what spruce aphids are and how they damage trees
  2. To learn what trees and forests are at risk for spruce aphids
  3. To learn how to identify the signs and symptoms of spruce aphid activity
  4. To learn how to manage and control spruce aphids


Spruce aphid (Elatobium abietinum) is a non-native pest originally from Europe that has been established in Southeast Alaska for decades. The first notable outbreak of spruce aphid was on ornamental spruce in Sitka in 1967. Recently, spruce aphid has been found expanding its range in the state. This module teaches you about spruce aphids, what they do, and management strategies to control them.

The video below introduces what spruce aphids are and what they do in trees.



Continue to Module 2